Order Manufacturers

Apart from Cooper, there are three other subsidized manufacturers whose products may be ordered through Flash. Their brands, also known as architectural brands, are managed by a team in Denver, Colorado.

The products from these architectural brands are customized, as well as manufactured in plants outside of Cooper; as such, the orders placed for these brands need to be separate from the orders placed for Cooper products.

The table below lists the manufacturers and their associated brands:

Manufacturer Brands
Ametrix(CA only) Ametrix
Cooper Lighting Solutions All the other brands not listed under other manufacturers
Corelite Corelite
Neoray Neoray
Speciality Products (US Only) IO ltg, PrentaLux, RSA, Shaper, Ametrix (US Production only)
A Tip

If you want to check which brands are available under a certain manufacturer, you can go to the Sales Instrument and click on the drop down in the brand field. It displays all the brands available for the manufacturer.


While in the US Ametrix is manufactured as a Speciality Product, it is listed as a separate manufacturer in Canada.

Canada Manufacturers US Manufacturers

To know how to create Orders for different order manufacturers, go to Create Orders.

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