Submit An Order
Step 1: Open the order that you want to submit. Ensure that it is in 'In Progress' status, if you are an agent. CLS users may submit an agent's order, if the order status is 'Pending Review' or 'Submitted-Pending'
Step 2: Go to 'Edit'
Step 3: Click on 'Submit'
On submission, the Order status may change to one of the following three statuses:
- Submitted-Pending: If an order, that has any errors or approvals pending, is submitted, the status will change to 'Submitted-Pending' and it will be sent to the CLS analysts for review.
- Submitted-Approved:If the order submitted is clean i.e. it does not have any errors or no approvals are pending, then it will be submitted to SAP, and the order status will change to 'Submitted-Approved'
- Submitted-Accepted: Once an order that is 'Submitted-Approved' is validated and accepted by SAP, the order status will change to 'SAubmitted-Accepted'. At this point, the products will be packaged and delivered. The change from 'Submitted-Approved' to 'Submitted-Accepted' usually happens within a couple of minutes.
To know more about the various order statuses, click here