Approving Products and Prices

The catalog numbers and prices in Flash may require approvals from the Product and Pricing Analysts under certain circumstances:

Approvals can be done only by Cooper Analysts. So, if the agent requires approval for either the product or pricing, or submitting a PDR, they send the Sales Instrument over to the CLS user for review.

Once the agent has requested a review, the sales instrument's status will change to 'Pending Review', and the CLS user will be able to make edits and give the appropriate approvals.

Request Review

To request review for your SI, follow the steps below:

Step 1:Go to 'Edit'.

Step 2:

  1. For Projects and Quotes, select 'Project Pricing Request'.

  2. For Orders, select 'Request Review'.

Once the request has been sent, the SI status will change the 'Pending Review' and the SI will be pushed to the approval queue.

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